Things are going to get crazy very soon - as if they're not already. So I'm trying to stay on top of this blog thing before I'm WAY behind again.
This last weekend I spent in Olympia because I was in a patriotic choir program with Mr B, Nathan, Anna, and Sarah at the Bruce's church. Sarah and I drove up late Friday night. When we arrived sometime after 11:30, we sampled the decadent flavors of homemade ice cream -- raspberry, chocolate chip cookie dough, and peppermint. It's hard to beat homemade ice cream.
We went to the dress rehearsal early Saturday morning, then relaxed in the afternoon. I played the piano... and played and played and played. (Mom, I'm actually noticing an improvement -- when I'm home again you and I will have to play the duets!!) I haven't consistently practiced for ages (if I ever did), but I've been able to play for hours and hours 3 of the past 6 weekends. And it's been more wonderful and relaxing than I would have ever imagined.
Saturday night we went to the races. And it was a great night for me - I won! Or, rather, all my cars did. Before each big race begins, Mama B writes down our "bet" on any 2 cars of our choice. We get points if our cars place in the top 3: 5 points for 1st, 3 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd. This time I paid more attention during the short trophy dashes and heats early on -- and that, along with a fair number of lucky guesses, paid off! : )
Sunday morning came early... but it was fun to sing a choir program again. Oh, something I didn't mention before -- we were accompanied by an orchestra ensemble. If you've never sung to live orchestral accompaniment, you've simply got to try it sometime. It's very cool. Several of the pieces in particular were powerful and evocative -- and it was quite moving to watch people's expressions in the audience and to see so many stand for the Battle Hymn.
Sunday afternoon involved more relaxing ... eating a fresh batch of vanilla homemade ice cream with ripe strawberries ... piano playing ... lazing around the house trying to stay cool. I didn't mention that this particular weekend was HOT. I was lucky to be in Olympia where it was 10-15 degrees cooler than Portland... but it was still pretty toasty in the upper 80s (perhaps even low 90s at peak heat). When we were driving home later last night, it was a sweet relief to see wet roads in Portland and breathe in cooler air again. (Though... this morning dawned hot and muggy...)
I've been thinking a lot lately -- about many things, but among them freedom. Freedom in Christ. Freedom in our country. Freedom in general. Freedom... and its great cost. And the ongoing responsibility associated with it. And how Truth sets free. This great country with its many freedoms has many people who have shackled and entangled themselves into a great mess of many things... prisoners to addictions and lifestyles and idealogies and material things and even laws they think will give them more freedom. O, God, save this nation from it's people.
The Holy Spirit threw a switch yesterday... because my heart has been breaking today like I haven't been aware of in a long time. I can't even begin to imagine God's heart for His beloved creation as my heart is breaking for hurting people I don't even know. I know nothing of their stories, but somehow I can see the brokeness... the insecurity... the loneliness... the seeking of fulfillment... O, God, save these hurting people from themselves and soften their hearts towards You. God must be God since He can see His broken creation and still allow them the higher love of freely choosing Him rather than being forced to love Him. God truly is amazing.
Time marches on and we are already on the eve of July. July?!? One of the girls in my department at work discovered that she was born on my half birthday. And way back a number of months ago when we were talking about it, it seemed like a long way out. Now, we're celebrating her birthday in 2 days. And I suppose we'll be celebrating her half birthday in the blink of an eye as well. As I have heard before -- the days are long, but the years... months... weeks are short. So there you have it.
And that concludes the final post in for June of 2008. Stay tuned for the days... weeks... ahead.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Once upon a ... July?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Crazy Photo Fun
Kara has been bunking at our place for a few nights and she brought her ibook with its cool "Photo Booth." Because the computer has a built in web cam, it takes pictures :) And the Photo Booth does these cool effects that you get to see before you take the pic (not like photoshop on an existing photo... we're talking live distortions).
Here are a few...
We were laughing soooooo hard. If you know someone with an ibook, ask them about Photo Booth. Easily could be hours of free entertainment.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The update we've all been waiting for
But, in any case, it's finally here. And I'll try to be concise, though it may be difficult since we're talking about 1/12 of my year...
Memorial Day Weekend
Location: The Bruce's House, Olympia, WA
Thanks to the beautiful weather, there was a hardcore 4-part tournament involving pingpong, hillbilly golf, bocce ball, and target pratice.
Here I am with a paintball gun under the supervision of Sarah's Stephen (resident paintball expert) and aiming to hit that target over yonder. First time I've ever shot a paintball gun...
Fueling the burn pile in the afternoon meant a great bonfire later for roasting hotdogs and marshmallows.
Location: Krispie Kreme, Beaverton, OR
So, every 1st Thursday of the month, a bunch of us 20s-30s from work get together for game night. On this particular night, Maile (rhymes with smiley - and she is!) wanted to take a picture of us pretending to laugh "because it always looks like the people in the picture are having so much fun."

Location: The Bruce's House, Olympia, WA
After Anna's party on Saturday, the guys started up some backyard football. I really wanted to play, but, unfortunately, it was tackle - and I didn't want to be the dumb girl who ruins the boys' fun because they don't play as hard as they won't usually all out tackle a girl (unfair advantage). Times when it would be really nice to be a guy...
So I was relegated to spectator.
"Look out, they're coming this way!" (We're pretending the one taking the picture with her back to the game is about to be taken out...)
Another pile of smoldering hot coals - perfection for s'more making.
For Father's Day, we went to the airshow at the Olympia airport. The best part was the huge field next to the airport where we sat for free... : )
Other happenings of the past month...
Soccer - All the games are about as far away from my house as you can get and still call it Portland... which is a bummer with rushhour traffic every Thursday night. The game last week was funny because our game was moved at the last minute to a different field. As the home team, we got there early to set up the nets and corner flags... but the goal posts were off the field chained together to a tree. And the chain was welded, not just locked. Randomly, we had bolt-cutters in our team manager's gear bag. So, we broke the posts free (with the ref's permission)... the game must go on after all!
Choir Program - The Bruce's church is doing a patriotic program next Sunday... and I'll be singing in it along with Mr B, Anna, and Sarah -- and Nathan will be playing the drums! So that will be great!
30th Surprise - Friday night I went to a surprise party for a girl at work. So fun ... and she was completely surprised. We ate a low country boil (cajun cooking) and root beer floats, had a water balloon fight, and played nertz outside until the light from the longest day of the year finally set for the night... close to 10pm.
Girls' Brunch - Yesterday 10 of us 20s-30s ladies from work met for brunch and prayer. I got up early (for a Saturday!) to make cinnamon rolls from scratch... so worth it. And the prayer time itself is getting better and better as our friendships grow deeper. We've been doing it consistently enough now that there is continuity from one to the next - people will follow up on previous requests and care about the outcome of things going on. And this is seriously such a great group of ladies -- from early 20s to mid- 30s ... some married, single, dating ... with kids, without ... all deeply committed to the Lord and seeking Him. So, lots in common, but lots of variety as well.
I think that pretty much catches you up on the main things... Life is busy but blessed. And it's still going full steam ahead from here...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Don't give up on me yet!
I will post soon. I really will. And you'll get a real update.
Hopefully very soon, because lots of stuff has been happening the past month (lots of things that have kept me from posting blogs).
I really think I need access to CS Lewis' "Wood Between the Worlds" so that I can go different places and do all kinds of things -- and then return to this world without any time having passed here.
Yes... that would be most useful. : )
More to come... eventually!