But, in any case, it's finally here. And I'll try to be concise, though it may be difficult since we're talking about 1/12 of my year...
Memorial Day Weekend
Location: The Bruce's House, Olympia, WA
Thanks to the beautiful weather, there was a hardcore 4-part tournament involving pingpong, hillbilly golf, bocce ball, and target pratice.
Here I am with a paintball gun under the supervision of Sarah's Stephen (resident paintball expert) and aiming to hit that target over yonder. First time I've ever shot a paintball gun...
Fueling the burn pile in the afternoon meant a great bonfire later for roasting hotdogs and marshmallows.
Location: Krispie Kreme, Beaverton, OR
So, every 1st Thursday of the month, a bunch of us 20s-30s from work get together for game night. On this particular night, Maile (rhymes with smiley - and she is!) wanted to take a picture of us pretending to laugh "because it always looks like the people in the picture are having so much fun."

Location: The Bruce's House, Olympia, WA
After Anna's party on Saturday, the guys started up some backyard football. I really wanted to play, but, unfortunately, it was tackle - and I didn't want to be the dumb girl who ruins the boys' fun because they don't play as hard as they won't usually all out tackle a girl (unfair advantage). Times when it would be really nice to be a guy...
So I was relegated to spectator.
"Look out, they're coming this way!" (We're pretending the one taking the picture with her back to the game is about to be taken out...)
Another pile of smoldering hot coals - perfection for s'more making.
For Father's Day, we went to the airshow at the Olympia airport. The best part was the huge field next to the airport where we sat for free... : )
Other happenings of the past month...
Soccer - All the games are about as far away from my house as you can get and still call it Portland... which is a bummer with rushhour traffic every Thursday night. The game last week was funny because our game was moved at the last minute to a different field. As the home team, we got there early to set up the nets and corner flags... but the goal posts were off the field chained together to a tree. And the chain was welded, not just locked. Randomly, we had bolt-cutters in our team manager's gear bag. So, we broke the posts free (with the ref's permission)... the game must go on after all!
Choir Program - The Bruce's church is doing a patriotic program next Sunday... and I'll be singing in it along with Mr B, Anna, and Sarah -- and Nathan will be playing the drums! So that will be great!
30th Surprise - Friday night I went to a surprise party for a girl at work. So fun ... and she was completely surprised. We ate a low country boil (cajun cooking) and root beer floats, had a water balloon fight, and played nertz outside until the light from the longest day of the year finally set for the night... close to 10pm.
Girls' Brunch - Yesterday 10 of us 20s-30s ladies from work met for brunch and prayer. I got up early (for a Saturday!) to make cinnamon rolls from scratch... so worth it. And the prayer time itself is getting better and better as our friendships grow deeper. We've been doing it consistently enough now that there is continuity from one to the next - people will follow up on previous requests and care about the outcome of things going on. And this is seriously such a great group of ladies -- from early 20s to mid- 30s ... some married, single, dating ... with kids, without ... all deeply committed to the Lord and seeking Him. So, lots in common, but lots of variety as well.
I think that pretty much catches you up on the main things... Life is busy but blessed. And it's still going full steam ahead from here...
1 comment:
Awesome, Jamie! What fun pictures! Great re-cap and Great memories... :)
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