What do YOU think happened here?
Possible explanations:
A. Fickle fancy of a flighty female.
B. Fell asleep chewing gum and had to cut it out.
C. Turned pirate and couldn’t fit the long hair under the cool hat.
D. Gave a renewable resource for charitable causes.
E. Disguise to protect the innocent.
If you chose C, you are… well… incorrect. But that would be an adventure! Or perhaps becoming a spy. But neither of those would be completely accurate. The correct answer is D. (Big surprise, I know.)
The required length for Locks of Love didn’t leave much extra. But I still have more than many – namely the child who will be getting a new red-auburn wig. And beyond that, my hair grows quickly enough that it will be a length I like better within the space of 6-8 months. (Thanks, Mrs B for doing the honors! Thanks Anna for photo-documenting it!)
As you may have guessed, I was in Olympia with the Bruce's this weekend. (We missed you, Sarah!)
Other long weekend exploits:
Cars races at a dirt track. Most of the cars I "bet on" won... so I ended up with the most points again.
Hike to the top of Mount Beljica…which has an up-close and personal look at Mount Rainier – except for the giant cloud enveloping us. Still beautiful though – even with the fog (especially), hail, rain, and cool (40 degrees) temps. YAY for polypros! There was a hole in the cloud for a few minutes -- but not enough to see Rainier, just some moments of sunshine. (The base of Mt Rainier is centered behind me where the valley floor begins to rise again.)
Pinochle. I played for the first time this weekend. It’s complicated, but so fun. I can't wait to play more so I can get better and learn more strategies. Mr. and Mrs. B were great teachers, and Nathan was a very patient and helpful partner!
Wii!!! Anna, Nathan, and I stayed up WAY too late playing the Wii. Anna and I got a bit silly the later it got... but we sure had fun. : )
Playing the piano.
Making cards with fancy stamps, papers, and emboss powders.
Kicking around the soccer ball with Timothy.
Good chats.
Yummy ice cream.
YAY for long weekends. The alarm sounded too early this morning. Work went well, but I was tired.
Jenny and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End tonight. I didn't really like it. There were a few funny parts, but really, I'd rather just repress the whole 169 minutes (plus Pirates 2) and think of Pirates of the Caribbean only as the first movie they came out with.
And now? To bed.
Man!! And I was debating between A and B: "Fickle fancy of a flighty female" or "Fell asleep chewing gum and had to cut it out!" By the way, I loved the 3rd pirates...I guess that means you're not fickle. (More like "set in your ways" and...crotchety!) ;)
Yeah for great weekends! I wish I could be in two places at one time - home with the gang and in Alaska - but, for now I'll just enjoy being with y'all through your post. :) (I'm eager to see your hair, though also a bit nervous... but, you're going to make some child very happy - that's neat.)
i was ready to vote on "F: joining the military to fight terrorists in oregon" mostly based on your camo shirt. :)
also, you look cold in the mountain climbing picture... perhaps it's because you didn't have your natural head warmer any more. :)
looks like you had super fun though. good work.
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