Saturday, January 3, 2009

Elementary, my dear Watson

Another story from the December 18 trip to Colorado...
(though, this isn't one I forgot about -- just took me awhile to get around to posting it)

On the airplane, I sat next to a guy who works for Nike.

By the time we landed in foggy Denver, I had his first and last name and email address.
I knew that he was fluent in English and French.
I learned that he was developing the marketing plan for a new product line (though I won't say what since this isn't a very private location).
He was negotiating charitable donations of goods to several nonprofit groups in Europe -- Paris, actually.
He's an avid fan of winter sports, especially snowboarding.
He has two young daughters.

The only thing is, he didn't tell me (or anyone else) any of this.

Beware of the powers of observation...


ryan said...

nice. good work gumshoe! (that's what they were always called on Carmen Sandiego.)

Anonymous said...

Why! You nosy, sneaky, little person!! ;) That's why I never say or do anything around you! ;)

Jamie said...

haha, sister... who says you always know when I'm around? ;)