Wednesday, July 30, 2008

C'est la vie - Always 21

Kirsten's birthday was Monday... so yesterday, my roomies, Jodi, Liz, and I took her down to the Hillsboro Tuesday night farmers' market for dinner and live music. (Liz had to leave early... and somehow managed to miss all the pictures)

You can't tell, but for some reason, something was really stinky around this tree. We couldn't locate the source - didn't want to locate the source. It was, otherwise, a great photo opp. SO... we stopped quickly for the shot.
Apple-scented bubbles.
Kirsten being "attacked" by Sarah's bubbles.

Jenny was having bubble trouble.
I looked up... and saw this.
We wanted a group shot, and I had the longest arm.

Then, we went to a nearby neighborhood for dessert.
(I lived in this neighborhood for about 2 months last year. It backs up to a wildlife preservation/wetlands area and has a sheltered picnic table area and walking trails along the wetlands.)

I made mini cheesecakes - chocolate almond truffle and white chocolate raspberry - but forgot the candles. So Kirsten blew out her lighter instead.
(We all started singing in a different key... which is why we spontaneously laugh at the beginning - just in case you wondered. : ) )

PS. Jodi made her wear the hat.

Oh... funny story. Kirsten is wearing this crazy hat, right? So, at the market, she was getting some marionberries. Jodi asked the guy (probably in his 20s) if there were any birthday discounts. The guy asks, "Whose birthday is it?"

Really? Really?!?

Ummm... she's wearing the crazy hat. All of us probably gave him the same incredulous look. Poor guy.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cherries and Berries and Shoes - oh my!

I spent Sunday evening at Liz's family farm southwest of Hillsboro. The Eischen's have cherries, Italian plums, and honey. The orchards are beautiful to walk through, and the surrounding countryside is so peaceful.

Liz, Maile, and Elinor
The "shaker" that shakes the trees to harvest the cherries.
Maile's son Zach eating cherries with Liz's younger sister Sarah -- sweet, delicious cherries, by the way :)
Liz's youngest brother Jerry helping Zach pump the old-fashioned (but still working!) water pump.
Her dad told us the water source is 80 feet under -- and that the workers hand-dug their way to it years and years ago. (I can't remember... but I think it's over 100 years old!)


I took these from inside my car on the drive home...

Today a small posse of us went berry-picking on Sauvie Island to extend the celebration of Jenny's birthday (it was Tuesday - and I suprised her by getting up super early to make her scones with fresh blueberries for breakfast!).
This is my boss's wife Michele and their almost 1-year-old Carter.

Holly, Michele, Jay (boss), and Carter
(Jay is one of my three bosses... but he's my "main" boss and direct supervisor for all my foundation work -- about 75% of my job)

Jenny, Jodi, and me with some spoils!
After 8 years of nearly giving up on the shoe industry (years of "too pointy" "too clunky" "too not-my-style" "too hideous" "gag"), I finally found not one but TWO pairs of shoes that I like (helpful since my old ones have been holding out for years)
These new ones are a little trendy, but I actually like them - in other words, I didn't just say "they'll do." And they were both on sale/clearance.
SO... I now have functional, versatile 2" brown and black heels for skirts, slacks, and jeans for work, church, and going places where flip-flops and barefeet probably shouldn't.
I especially like the brown ones.
Truth be told, I'm not so sure about the knot on the black ones...

Ideally, our culture would one day decide that it's much more preferable not to wear shoes - inside at least. But that's a different battle for a different day.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thoughts on Inadequacy

I think we've all been at places in life where we feel like we don't have what it takes.
And if you never have, just wait -- you will.

The message at church this morning was on this very topic...

God often uses people who don't have what it takes -- people who are inadequate in their own strength.

Take Gideon, for example. There are many instances in his story (Judges 6-8) where he shows cowardice, doubt, and inadequacy. But that didn't stop God from using him -- and that didn't prevent him from ending up in the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11:32-40).

If Gideon is any sort of example, then faith does not require perfection or power.

Trusting God does not mean having no doubt. (paradox there.)

God doesn't get much glory when powerful people solve possible problems.

God gives me less than I feel like I need to do more than I feel like I can.

Great fear often precedes great courage.

If I am always comfortable, chances are I'm probably not doing anything big enough for God.

If our victories make us self-reliant, then, ultimately, they are more disastrous than defeat.

I think it's much easier to let inadequacy become an excuse. "I won't do it because I can't. And if I don't try it, at least I won't fail in the attempt." Thank goodness God didn't let Moses keep that attitude back at the burning bush.

The question when I feel inadequate shouldn't be, "What if I do (step out in faith and do this)?" The real question is, "What if I don't?" That is the question with much greater implications...

Don't get me wrong -- none of us are big enough to ruin God's ultimate plans. But we are definitely foolish enough to destroy the blessings and growth He has in store for us and others.

So, what should I do when I realize I just don't have what it takes?
Get used to reliance. Go into battle. Give God the glory.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Now that you're here...

... go back to the post labeled "Pizza My Heart..." -- the pictures are posted chronologically from there.

A few hours in San Francisco!

The view from the back of the ascending trolley...
The pirate at Fisherman's Wharf
Alcatraz and a cool bo-- ship
Yes, we ate Ghirardelli chocolate squares at Ghirardelli Square.
Read the sign... (Kara is the crab) Golden Gate Bridge
A self-cleaning outhouse. But, ironically, it was very dirty... so we used the gigantic Macy's across the street.

Wedding Day

Last minute touches to the hair...
Balcony/deck where the dinner reception was held
Mr. and Mrs. Erickson's first dance
Sara said, "It's my wedding, so I can do whatever I want to. So we're going to celebrate my best friend Lisa's birthday." And so we did : )