Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Last Week

Can you guess what this is? That's right... the cocoa powder I sprinkled over a 5-point snowflake I cut out and placed on the birthday cake for a co-worker in my department. (Just because it was the week of the festival and the President's Council didn't mean we skip celebrating his 50-something-th birthday.)

The early morning view from my Waterfront hotel room. (The only reason I stayed at a hotel in my own hometown is because I was working the President's Council.) It was really nice... only a few blocks from the festival.

Crazy clouds!
In 2 days, over 185,000 heard Luis preach the Good News of Jesus Christ at Portland CityFest...
We're armed and ready to counsel decision-makers once Luis gives the invitation.

For more info about Portland CityFest and great pics, check out

Monday, August 18, 2008

August Rush!

Time waits for no one, and it's already past the middle of the month.

This past weekend was really relaxing. It was pretty quiet since Sarah was at a wedding in Ashland and Jenny is working really long hours since the festival is only a few days out.

Movie night Friday night with Anna Riedl. She brought Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey and Krispie Kremes, and I made popcorn and "apple cider cocktails" (dilute unpasturized raw apple cider vinegar, club soda, a few drops of stevia to sweeten, and vanilla - the acidity of the "cocktail" helps balance the sugars in the body). I thought Northanger Abbey was really funny. Maybe it wasn't meant to be... but I thought it was.

Saturday I went shopping to get the food for Luis' snack baskets in his hotel room and at the festival site. I had so much fun! Normally I wouldn't get such an opportunity, but fortunately, Jenny is the the Operations Director of the festival and it was on her To Do list. And fortunately she didn't really want to or have time to - and I did on both accounts. So, I had a blast.

Saturday evening I drove to Woodland to the Bresnahan's beautiful country home to see Nicole who is visiting from Lousiana. I hadn't seen Nicole for almost a year - and it was so good to see her again and hear her stories. Also, because she's only here for a short time, she invited several others over as well... and it never ceases to amaze me how many incredible people I never met at Fox. We all had some great conversations -- and it's so encouraging to meet other people who share so many of the same beliefs as I do... who feel so strongly about absolute truth and other topics relating to Christianity. And all of them still live in this area, so I'm hoping to catch up with at least a few of them again and get to know them better.

(If I had any regrets about my time at Fox, it may be how focused I was on school. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying I would have slacked off. But, I probably wouldn't have spent so much time getting a perfect score when I could have spent more time getting to know people and still ended up with an A.)

And then Sunday was just a chill day. Church in the morning. And then I came home in a cooking mood. So Jenny was sweet enough to let me make her blueberry and whipped cream crepes for breakfast. And then I did something I never do -- I fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon for 3 hours. I had been trying to read a book, but I couldn't stay awake for it. (It wasn't an intentional nap.) Then Jenny and I watched a movie that night. Thanks to my nap, I wasn't tired when it was time for bed... so I was awake until 1am, but still felt pretty rested when I woke up this morning.

All in all, a good weekend before the craziness.

Starting tomorrow, I'll be involved in all the festival stuff... the first of the luncheons is happening. The second luncheon is Wednesday, though I'll be a "guest" for that since I'm hosting some ladies at my table. Thursday the PC (for major donors) starts and I'll be helping with the kids program. Friday and Saturday are the festival days - and after PC stuff in the morning, I'll be in the crowd collecting testimony stories and counseling new believers until late. Sunday afternoon the PC is over and normal life will start to resume in the late afternoon - I hope. Please be praying! We hope many thousands of people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ this week.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

More poetry

I wrote these poems amidst my most challenging but best semester in French. I need to get back into the language study, because I'm very rusty now... I think you can copy paste into the Microsoft Word 2007 and translate for a rough idea of what I'm talking about (which isn't that complex or profound... but, hey, it sounds cool when read aloud :) )

Comme la pièce d’un puzzle

Chaque personne est comme la pièce d’un puzzle.
Une petite pièce d’un grand tableau.
Unique. Nécessaire.
Chacune remplit une particulière raison d’être.
Indispensable. Irremplaçable.
Une réflexion du cœur de l’artiste.
Belle. En harmonie avec les autres.
L’image n’est pas complète sans toutes les pièces.
Les pièces, elles glorifient leur Créateur
Lorsqu’elles atteignent ce que Dieu leur a confié de faire.

Deux chemins

Depuis le début les humains sont libres
De choisir un chemin pour la durée de vie.
Deux chemins mènent aux deux arrivées
Et chaque personne doit choisir lequel à suivre.
« Décide pour toi-même » dit le Créateur Dieu.

Un chemin est populaire et est emprunté de beaucoup.
Il a l’air de plaisir et il est facile et doux.
Grande ouverte est l’entrée et splendide à l’intérieur.
Mais la plupart qui y vont, ne regardent pas les panneaux
« Danger déguisé, Rebroussez votre chemin ! »
Ce chemin plait un moment et piége la foule
Et il finira dans la destruction de vie.

L’autre chemin n’est pas populaire du tout
Il est difficile à trouver et plus encore à monter
La passe escalade une montagne et a l’air pleine de dangers
Ceux qui cherchent le trouveront et aussi la joie et la paix
Les panneaux encouragent « Ne te détourne pas,
Continue en direction de la Source de lumière. »
Ceux qui persistent se trouveront dans la présence de Dieu.

Quel chemin choisissez-vous ?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Goodnight, Fair Moon

Oh, bright shining Moon, I gaze and wonder...
The dreams you've inspired throughout the ages,
Beautiful sphere in the dark night sky;
What you've said to the stargazers and sages...
In fullness, unhindered reflector of light.
Celestial subject of Beginning and End,
Created before the first of all men;
But at the close of time the soul survives
To tell of forever with no more night
And God's glory outshining your lesser light.
So goodnight, fair Moon, and do as you should;
Continue your path around this dark world
And kiss those you see as I greet the dawn.
Until you're back, adieu -- it won't be long.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bruce Lube School

This weekend I learned how to change my oil at the Bruce's -- something I've always wanted to know how to do, and finally had my opportunity.

I got my synthetic blend oil and a pretty sweet tough guard filter.

I wore one of those awesome mechanic jumpsuits. (I wish I had a picture!)

I pulled my car into the garage onto risers.

I learned that manual transmission vehicles don't need to have their transmission fluids checked or refilled.

I got to see a flywheel, clutch, manual transmission, pressure plate, and other cool car parts (because Nathan is working on a '48 Plymouth at the moment).

I refilled my windshield washer fluid -- which must have been nearly empty since I poured in the entire 1/2 gallon.

I learned about all the cool things under the hood of my car.

I got to roll under my car on those little flat cart things.

I got motor oil down my arm and sleeve when I pulled the filter off -- which meant that I got to look and smell like a real mechanic!

I reset the oil change tracker that flashes a warning light on my dashboard after 5,000 miles -- all by myself! (And, Stephen, it didn't reset my odometer!)

I got my tires filled so that my car will be quick and nimble again.

All that to say, I passed the Bruce Lube School with flying colors!!! And it was AWESOME! One of the highlights of my weekend :)